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Total ASTR Staked -> Total amount of ASTR token staked on Algem Protocol APR -> Annual Percentage Rate calculated from current dApp staking APR and Algem rules Unstaking pool -> ASTR tokens available for immediate unstaking My Staking amount -> amount of nASTR in the user's wallet, including basic tokens, Lp tokens, or collateral tokens All Rewards -> Staking rewards to claim Blocks until next reward -> Blocks remaining until the next era and therefore until the subsequent reward distribution in the user's reward pool.


Once you have your ASTR tokens in your EVM wallet, you can go to the liquid staking section in Algem dApp and connect your EVM wallet.

How to Stake:

  • Enter the amount of ASTR tokens you want to deposit, (minimum of 100 ASTR)

  • Then select the dApp;

  • Confirm your action by clicking on the stake button.

  • Receive an equal amount of nASTR tokens and begin earning staking rewards.

  • Use nASTR tokens to farm on our partners Defi dApps in our nASTR Farming;

Once Algem has delegated your ASTR tokens to Astar dApp Staking, you will receive the same amount as the amount deposited in nASTR tokens and start earning staking rewards.

You can add the nASTR token to Metamask by adding the following token address or using the dedicated feature in Algem dApp.

nASTR: 0xE511ED88575C57767BAfb72BfD10775413E3F2b0

How to Claim:

  • To claim your rewards, you must first wait at least 1 era (~24h on Astar network);

  • Then press the โ€œclaimโ€ button and confirm the transaction;

  • Your rewards will be distributed directly to your wallet.

How to Unstake:

  • Be sure to claim all your staking rewards before unstaking your tokens.

  • To unstake your nASTR tokens and redeem ASTR tokens, you must first switch to โ€œunstakeโ€ mode;

  • Enter the nASTR amount you wish to unstake from the selected dApp;

  • You can unstake from one, several or all dApps at the same time.

  • Select the unstaking parameters (regular or immediate) and accept the conditions;

  • Confirm your action by clicking the โ€œunstakeโ€ button.

You will receive your ASTR tokens directly into your wallet after fulfilling the unstaking conditions (e.g. unbonding period).

Last updated