๐Ÿ“ƒContracts information

Security deployment and contract administration

Algem contracts are deployed using GitHub CI and incorporate OpenZeppelin library modules, bolstering protocol dependability.

A majority of these contracts are designed for upgradability. When engaging with such contracts, remember to exclusively employ the Proxy address.

Role-based smart-contact management

Algem employs a role-based system for managing smart contracts. This entails confining vital operations to the multisig wallet, while routine, non-critical actions are permissible via the ordinary wallet. This system encompasses two distinct roles:


3/4 Gnosis Safe Multisig controlled by the two Algem team members and two Astar Network Core team members.

Multisig address: 0xf1893e221227ff7B28D0dBe4dc367F54AAf9BEBD (Astar Network mainnet).

All the contracts changes and grant/revoke role operations could be made only under the DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE (via the multi-signature transaction).


Regular address with Algem development team access.

Manager address: 0xf9B9068276163f47cd5599750496c48BeEba7B44 (Astar Network mainnet).

This role is used for the non-crucial operations which cannot affect the security level of the dApp such as setting the minimal staking amount, etc.

For a comprehensive rundown of operations allocated to each role, please refer to the Miro board provided.

Deployed Smart Contract Addresses

View Algem's Smart Contracts on Github:

  1. Liquid Staking

Contract name: Liquid Staking Contract address: 0x70d264472327B67898c919809A9dc4759B6c0f27 The contract is upgradeable.

  1. Liquid Staking Manager

Contract name: LiquidStakingManager Contract address: 0x6edB3FdA40B8110fc0B820b48B7567E337915ffa The contract is upgradeable.

  1. NDistributor

Contract name: NDistributor Contract address: 0x460FB32070b77eB4Ff8d8f3EF717972F24433C83 The contract is upgradeable.

  1. NFT Distributor

Contract name: NFTDistributor Contract address: 0x5167D19e76934D881FBdd77FB97ea36fb4FaE0cf The contract is upgradeable.

  1. Adapters Distributor

Contract name: AdaptersDistributor Contract address: 0x294Bb6b8e692543f373383A84A1f296D3C297aEf The contract is upgradeable.

  1. Algem Liquid Staking Discount

Contract name: AlgemLiquidStakingDiscount Contract address: 0xF0F9238013af5982f97A347D190181F200Ad68CD The contract is upgradeable.

  1. Sirius Adapter

Contract name: SiriusAdapter Contract address: 0x29774f72d921d1F5C591ab68dE532a528A4288B4

The contract is upgradeable.

  1. Kagla Adapter

Contract name: KaglaAdapter Contract address: 0x8d4F87A8f688Af04e9E3023C8846c3f6c64f410e The contract is upgradeable.

  1. Arthswap Adapter

Contract name: ArthswapAdapter Contract address: 0x09D5476c1c31eeE81E31dFD6923C314D33E57a4F The contract is upgradeable.

  1. โ€‹โ€‹Sio2 Adapter

Contract name: Sio2Adapter Contract address: 0x7dE84319633850Bdabc557A1C61DA9E926cB4fF0 The contract is upgradeable.

  1. nASTR

Contract name: nASTR Contract address: 0xE511ED88575C57767BAfb72BfD10775413E3F2b0 The contract is upgradeable.

  1. Algemantis Nautilus Pass (NFT)

Contract name: AlgemantisNautilusPass Contract address: 0x170a3768117A9Ae6939EA46c1b4265e94De44534 The contract is immutable.

  1. Algem Liquid Staking Discount (NFT)

Contract name: AlgemLiquidStakingDiscount Contract address: 0xF0F9238013af5982f97A347D190181F200Ad68CD The contract is upgradeable.

  1. Algem Dojo (NFT)

Contract name: AlgemDojo Contract address: 0xeBdA851087FF6A75961781987B9f1F7832D9DeB0 The contract is immutable.

Pause Functionality

The pause feature serves to halt contracts temporarily during incident response.

Presently, it's activated for the following contracts:

  • Liquid Staking


  • Sio2 Adapter

Pause functionality adheres to the Pausable module standard within the OpenZeppelin library for all these contracts.

Contract.pause() Pause a contract by setting the paused boolean flag to True.

Contract.unpause() Unpause a contract that was previously paused, re-enabling exchanges.

Disabling functionality:

  1. Liquid Staking All calls to contract functions are blocked.

  2. NASTR

  • transfer()

  • transferFrom()

  • mint()

  • burn()

  1. Sio2 Adapter

  • supply()

  • withdraw()

  • borrow()

  • addSTokens()

  • claimRewards()


Our contracts operate without a time-lock function, as administrative actions are exclusively managed through the multi-signature wallet's address. This design guarantees swift execution of administrative decisions, eliminating the necessity for time-based delays, all the while upholding a secure and well-regulated environment.

On-chain threats monitoring system

Presently, the Algem team is actively investigating on-chain monitoring systems, akin to the functionality offered by platforms such as Forta.

Last updated