*️* Polkadot{.js}

Install Polkadot.js Plugin

To create a Polkadot.js, install the Browser Plugin available for both Google Chrome (and Chromium-based browsers like Brave) and Firefox. After installing the plugin, you should see the orange and white Polkadot{.js} logo in your browser menu bar.

Create Polkadot.js Wallet

Open the Polkadot{.js} extension and click on the + button - "Create a new account".

Polkadot{.js} will randomly generate a new seed for you and display it as twelve words. Save these words in a safe place.

Choose a descriptive name for your wallet and a password. You must enter your password a second time to confirm it.

Congratulations, you have just created your first polkadot (native) substrate wallet!

Last updated